udobnost i toplinu svoga doma i krećem solo u daleku egzotičnost. Moj nemirni
avanturistički duh me je nagnao da iskusim nešto potpuno novo – da putujem sama
i da ispunim sebi želju da prazničnu zimsku sezonu provedem na egzotičnom
Zanzibaru. To je otprilike moja zamisao Raja na Zemlji dok napuštam svoj dom po
hladnjikavom zimskom jutru i pomalo ledenim danima, obučena kao za odmor u
Alpima ali sa prtljagom prepunim letnjih divota i aksesoara za toplu suncem okupanu skoro
Ekvatorijalnu klimu. Usput se pitam ko su sve ljudi sa kojima ću provesti dve
nedelje odmora i praznika, možda steći nove prijatelje, napraviti nova
internacionalna poznanstva ali sigurno provesti nezaboravne trenutke i steći jedno
novo neobično lepo iskustvo.
li sam sebi mogla da poklonim išta lepše od ovog čarobnog puta? Pratite me…
Leaving the comfort and cozy warmth of my home and
embarking solo on a faraway exoticism. My restless adventurous spirit has urged
me to experience something completely new - to travel all alone and to make the
wish promised to myself realized to spend the winter festive season on exotic Zanzibar.
That is just about how I imagine the Paradise on the Earth while leaving my
home on a bit coolish winter morning and a period of freezing days, dressed up as
if departing for the Alps holidays, however, with the luggage full of fancy and
attractive summer outfits and accessories for the warm Sun kissed almost
Equatorial climate. On the way I wonder who the folks who I would be spending
the next two weeks and holidays are, whether I might get some new friends or
make new international friendships, but it is for certain that I will spend the
unforgettable moments and acquire a novel unusually wonderful experience.
Could I have gifted anything more magnificent to
myself than this magical trip? Stay tuned…
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